

Spring 2012: Strategic Plan completed.

Fall 2013 : In alignment with Goal 3, which focuses on faculty and staff recruitment and retention, the Diversity Action Plan Taskforce (DAPT) was convened.*

Fall 2013 to Spring 2014: DAPT worked with Rankin & Associates to develop and disseminate the Campus Climate Survey.

Fall 2014 : President García announced the appointment of a cross-divisional Campus Climate Evaluation Team (CCET) to review data from the Campus Climate Survey, interpret its themes, and identify opportunities to provide an environment for greater faculty, staff, and student success.

Fall 2015: The CCET delivered a framework centered around three dimensions (equity, inclusion and civility) and two over-arching themes (transparency and a welcoming environment) that emerged from the Survey.

Spring 2016: President García announced the creation of the President’s Commission on Equity and Inclusion (PCEI).

*This task force was one out of ten others that were convened related to other goals and objectives.